
How there might always be a confidential conversation in the workplace.

How there might always be a confidential conversation in the workplace.

Research has shown that over a million Dutch people have experienced bullying, (sexual) intimidation, discrimination and aggression at work. Nobody seems to be able to drastically reduce unwanted behaviour in the workplace. A member of the Dutch Tweede Kamer, Maatoug (Groenlinks-PvdA) hopes to change this with her initiative proposal to amend the Working Conditions Act (in Dutch: Arbeidsomstandighedenwet) and make a confidential counselor mandatory at work.

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The non-competition clause: new rules

The non-competition clause: new rules

For years, little changed in the legislation regarding indefinite-term employment contracts, but this now appears to be changing. Minister Van Gennip submitted a bill in March 2024 to reform the legislation regarding non-competition clauses. Research has shown that employers invoke the non-competition clause too often and too easily. By doing so, employers aim to protect […]

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Can an employer force employees to be vaccinated?

Can an employer force employees to be vaccinated?

Several prominent companies in the United States, including Google, Facebook and Netflix, announced that any employees coming into their offices must be fully vaccinated. In the Netherlands employers are also struggling with the question if they can oblige their employees to be vaccinated. What about the rights and obligations of employers and employees?

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