Rate per hour
We work on the basis of an hourly rate.
The hourly rate for private individuals is € 265 inclusive of VAT (€ 219.01 plus 21% VAT).
The hourly rate for companies is € 265 exclusive of VAT.
Feel free to contact us for an estimate of the legal fees associated with your case.
Legal expenses insurance
In case you have a legal expenses insurance, your insurer may reimburse (part of) your legal costs. Please be advised that you need prior approval from your legal expenses insurer for any reimbursement. Please also note that your legal insurer may set limits on the coverage. We recommend consulting your legal expenses insurer to confirm whether the legal fees will be covered under the legal expenses insurance.
Contact us
You can contact us by using our contact form below or by sending an email to info@noordamadvocatuur.nl. All information you share with us will be treated strictly confidential.